Design Concept: The water dragon, a symbol deeply rooted in Chinese culture, embodies auspicious meanings tied to rain, wind, and life. Traditionally, its appearance heralds the promise of clouds and rain, nurturing the earth. Placing a water dragon on one's desk symbolizes a wish for a smooth and prosperous career. Crafted with realistic detail, the dragon's polished surface, adorned with slowly rising water droplets, evokes the profound underwater world. The clever color coordination between the dragon and waves conveys the powerful imagery of the dragon emerging from the sea with unstoppable force. The sculpture seamlessly integrates surging waves with the dragon's body, depicting a sea god's needle, showcasing its unwavering power. The water dragon's magnificent momentum, portrayed as it leaps above stormy waves, exudes a winding posture and majestic demeanor. With an open mouth absorbing the essence of water, the dragon embodies deep, floating momentum, conveying dynamic balance in both strength and softness. 勢不可擋,取材水龍,風格寫實。古人認為龍出則雲雨至,龍的基本特性中,「喜水」排第一位。龍在中華文化中,有興雲生雨,保佑來年風調雨順的吉祥寓意。置一尊水龍於案頭,有祈願事業順風又順水之意。龍身下部大面積透明的拋光面,以及內部緩緩升起的琉璃水珠,描繪出千尺深淵的海底世界。龍與浪花的巧妙定色,展現出威龍出海的氣勢。翻騰的浪花雕塑,與龍身巧妙結合,渾然一體,讓水龍如定海神針般,牢牢盤踞,展現一種誰能阻擋的力量。水龍氣勢磅礴,騰躍於驚濤駭浪之上,身姿逶迤,儀態威嚴。龍口微張好似吸納水之精華,潛深淵蓄勢而發,我主沉浮。龍身九曲迴轉,遒勁姿態傳遞出無窮的張力,亦柔亦剛。神情威而不怒,瞠目張頜,扭頭回瞻,目光深邃,龍鬚飛揚,身飽滿修長,鱗齊整細密,氣孙軒昂之勢,盡展大將之姿,似俯瞰壯麗河山,宏圖偉業。 |