Design Concept: Encapsulating some of the most significant and powerful motifs in the history of Chinese art, this standalone piece from the collection "Buoyed by Spring Light" is suffused with fengshui symbolism and aesthetic balance. The design features a divine tianlu as its central focal point. The mythical creature stands poised with confidence and charisma, upholding the many elements of both heaven and earth in its energy. The design embodies the classic motif of the four cardinal compass directions and the eight dimensions of the earth—an acknowledgment of one's presence in the universe. Together with the ethereal energy of the tianlu, this masterful crystal work incites confidence and faith in the universe—in ultimate harmony with the four seasons. 設計概念說明: 囊括了中國藝術史上一些最重要和最有力的主題,這件來自"春光奮起同我行"系列的獨立作品充滿了風水的象徵意義和美學平衡。該設計以一個神聖的天祿作為其中心焦點。這個神話中的生物以自信和魅力的姿態站立著,在其能量中維護著天地間的許多元素。該設計體現了指南針的四個方向和地球的八個維度的經典圖案--承認自己在宇宙中的存在。再加上天祿的空靈能量,這件精湛的水晶作品激發了人們對宇宙的信心和信念--與四季的最終和諧。 |