Design Concept: Cute and delightful, the new Zodiac pair designs at LIULI are the embodiment of pure exuberance. United by joy and sharing memory, a gift given to honor the eternal and ever-abiding alliance of love and companionship. The color of sunshine gold amber, these handcrafted crystal pairs feature a collection of 12 beloved characters of the Chinese zodiac, including the youthful, wide-eyed ox and the ever astute, aware, and charming rat, and the horse, with its noble stature and bravery. LIULI十二生肖青春版——《十二笑呵呵娃娃》作品展現十二只萌寶生肖,通過擬人化的表現手法,塑造十二只姿態各異,俏皮可愛的生肖守護神共同點是,每一只萌寶生肖都在開心地笑。時時刻刻都開心,十二生肖對應時間,十二個時辰構成完整的一天,LIULI希望以一組歡樂、開心的十二生肖,帶來每一天,每一刻的好心情。十二個時辰是圓滿的一天,十二個歡樂生肖守護,讓每一天都開心、溫暖。 |