The Collection: ENRICH Design Concept: Entitled "Testament," this piece is a humble return to classical visions of connecting with the land. The glasswork, sculpted in many shades of green, hints strongly at the value of enriching the earth, a thankful heart, and a deep connection with nature. The contemporary design serves as a reminder that even a seemingly commonplace crop, standing upright and confidently, can evoke the richness of the land. "Testament" represents fertile soil, richness in land and spirit, and a reflection on life. 設計概念說明: 這件作品名為 "勁秀天成",是對與土地聯繫的經典願景的謙卑回歸。用多種綠色色調雕刻的琉璃製品,強烈暗示了豐富土地的價值,一顆感恩的心,以及與自然的深刻聯繫。這種現代設計提醒人們,即使是一種看似普通的作物,也可以直立起來,自信地喚起土地的豐富性。 "勁秀天成 "代表著肥沃的土壤、豐富的土地和精神,以及對生命的思考。 |