Design Concept: "Tranquil Resplendence" is perhaps the Enrich collection's most dynamic and vibrant artwork. It presents a powerful yet quiet dance of simple colors inspired by the classical Chinese tradition of revering the land and its riches. The piece features a swirl of jade-green and cloudy luster that pirouettes through the lush green leaves and petals, balancing realism with abstraction in the Loretta H. Yang-like proclivity. While maintaining natural features, such as the auspicious cauliflower, the artwork symbolizes wealth and beauty, bringing positive energy to any home. 設計概念說明: "恬淡見真輝煌 "也許是豐美系列中最有活力和生氣的藝術品。它呈現了一個強大而安靜的簡單色彩的舞蹈,其靈感來自於中國古典傳統中對土地和財富的敬仰。這幅作品以玉綠色和雲霧狀光澤的漩渦為特色,在鬱鬱蔥蔥的綠葉和花瓣中迴旋,在楊惠姍式的傾向性中平衡了現實主義與抽象主義。在保持自然特徵的同時,如吉祥的菜花,該藝術品象徵著財富和美麗,給任何家庭帶來積極的能量。 |