Design Description: Joyous Guanyin, one of the thirty-three manifestations of the bodhisattva Guanyin (Avalokiteśvara). Seated in a comfortable posture, quietly gazing upon a small lotus, her leisurely posture is an expression of contentment and ease. The calm and centered countenance of Joyous Guanyin has an edifying effect on sentient beings, subtly reminding us that even when life is at its bumpiest, there is still much goodness and beauty to be found, even in a single flower, and that we can see it by relaxing and letting go. The lotus is an important symbol in Buddhism, for it is the only plant which has flowers and fruit at the same time, making it a symbol of the dual cultivation of wisdom and compassion. Moreover, its roots, flower, and fruit coexist, symbolizing the past, present, and future. 設計概念說明: 遊戲觀音,以一種自在的坐姿,坐在岩石上,靜看身旁 的一朵小蓮花,觀音菩薩三十三法相之一。此坐姿又稱安逸坐,代表隨意隨心。菩薩以瀟脱、自在的態度來表法眾生。希望世人都能明白:人生即使一如山岩般的崎嶇不平,也要學會看到生命中有如花朵美好的部分,學會放下、自在、解脫。蓮花,在佛教裡是重要的象徵,蓮花,是所有植物里面唯一花和果實並存的,過去的蓮藕,現在的花,未來的果實並存,同時代表過去、現在、未來,也代表悲智雙修。 |