Design Concept: A symbol of excellence and peace, the mythical Qilin is revered in Chinese culture for its ability to bring harmony and prosperity. The creature stands proudly on a celestial sphere adorned with stars, representing the vast and infinite universe that surrounds us all. 設計概念說明: 麒麟出中方,屬性是土, 麒麟,是聖獸王,融合了龍、牛、鹿、羊、馬、虎的特徵,體現了 “集美”思想,用以象徵才能傑出的人,以及因麒麟是在太平盛世才會示現的靈獸,也寓意一個和平和善的世界。如同土,是孕育萬物的根本, 無私的承容一切,仁澤人間萬物。 作品的塑造動感十足,無限神力的神獸足踏祥雲,風雲千里。靈獸均徜徉於一塑有星宿的球體上,球體,象徵天地宇宙,是生命、是希望,提醒自我對宇宙自然的關照,明白四時有序、耕耘收藏,和諧共處的智慧。 |