Design Concept: The yellow body of the sculpture appears to be adorned with golden sand, while the glimmer of the golden saddle enhances the horse's fearless nature as it charges forward with the wind. This art piece is suitable for entrance decoration, showcasing the owner's courageous spirit and aspirations. Additionally, it serves as a powerful reminder of personal expectations when placed in a study. Apart from being a valuable addition to one's personal collection, this piece makes an excellent and thoughtful gift, especially for elders and superiors, symbolizing respect and reverence. 設計概念說明: 雕塑的黃色身體似乎被金色的沙子裝飾著,而金色馬鞍的閃光增強了馬的無畏性,它隨風向前衝。這件藝術作品適合作為入口裝飾,展示主人的勇敢精神和願望。此外,放在書房裡,它還能有力地提醒人們對個人的期望。除了作為個人收藏的寶貴補充外,這件作品也是一份極好的貼心禮物,特別是送給長輩和上級,象徵著尊重和敬畏。武裝是指擁有精神上的盔甲。琉璃工房的導演張毅認為,在充滿挑戰的時代,征服逆境需要一種強大的力量,就像帶著金鹿角的皇冠作為馬的盔甲。追求這種盔甲的目的是使內部和外部一致。在外表上,有一種無畏的印象,而內部則通過其氣勢激發勇氣。寶石裝飾的馬鞍,為這匹馬注入了鼓舞人心的飛揚精神。 在生活中,我們需要強大的精神支持,將盔甲轉化為力量,對世界產生切實的影響,藐視環境障礙,衝破黑暗,無畏地面對任何逆境。 |