Design Concept: Chrysanthemum were introduced to Japan from China. Because of its generous and radiant bloom, they quickly became a symbol of auspiciousness. Originally cultivated for medicinal purposes, they are believed to enhance longevity and ward off illness; chrysanthemum wine is said to stop the aging process. In the past, people from the Ryukyu Islands would use the chrysanthemum motif on vessels, porcelain and clothing made from Okinawan bingata fabric. They also made vessels and other objects in the shape of chrysanthemum. The stacked container is ergonomically designed and easier to handle than our first generation Bliss of moon and chrysanthemum(菊月合喜) containers. The domed lid makes extra room for your treasures and is visually appealing with floral motifs in relief. The pattern features clusters of flowers in layers, large and small, blooming in profusion. No matter the passage of time, the love symbolized by the treasures in this container will never falter. 概念設計說明: 在日本,据说菊花传自中国。因花型呈放射状展开且外观美丽,被认为是吉祥的象征。菊曾被作为长寿药 (汉方药) 使用,能带来长生不老、无病消灾,据说喝下杯中漂浮着菊花的菊酒,能够长命百岁。在过去的琉球,会将菊花纹样用于漆器、陶器及红型衣裳上。此外,也有仿造菊花形状所制作而成的漆器等作品。 设计,借鉴古代盒子的器式,以不同的比例演绎大中小盒。 柱形侧围相比较第一代《菊月合喜》更易拿取,上下弧面增强“藏”的意向。浮雕图纹集中在盒盖上,是视觉最佳观赏区域。 图纹采用层层绽放、团花形制的花卉,大小疏密分布,用枝蔓相连,表达纵使岁月更替,亦长长久久,真情不改。 |