Clusters of blooming flowers “forget-me-not” is a symbol of genuine and sincere, and enduring love. Layers of petals opening toward a Liuli pearl in the center, the color blue extending outward like water. The over design is symmetrical in form, which brings forth prosperity, opulence and beauty visually. Enveloped in flowers, liuli pearl is also the symbol of a brilliant and wondrous world. 層疊綻放的小花「勿忘我」代表真誠的愛,永不忘記的深情。層疊的花瓣以琉璃球為中心,向外延展,藍色琉璃如水波暈染。對稱圓滿的造型,底部裝飾浮雕工藝的勿忘我花型,帶來欣欣向榮,華美瑰麗的視覺效果。轉動的琉璃球,象徵被花朵簇擁包圍的世界,璀璨美好。 |