Design Concept: This crystal glass figure of the dog zodiac in Chinese astrology, is aptly named “Prosperity” for its great luck. Traditional Chinese societies viewed dogs as lucky charms, bringing fortune to the places they frequent. Beyond this, the dog is simply known for its steadfast and loyal nature. Those born in the year of the dog share traits with the animal in their friendliness, loyalty and dependable nature. With an adorable big nose and almost cartoonish face, this zodiac art piece is adorned with traditional Chinese paper-cutting artwork patterns. Each art piece is uniquely handcrafted, varying most with color and playing with light on any tabletop. Well suited for birthday occasions or simply celebrating someone’s birth year. 設計概念說明: 旺財,兩爪前伸,屁股翹起來,作伸懶腰狀,大鼻子嗅來嗅去,仿佛聞到美食的氣息,它神情愉悅,興高采烈地搖著尾巴,呼朋喚友一起分享。狗鼻子是對靈敏嗅覺的誇讚,潮流新訊都能第一時間掌握。小狗頭頂和身體分別刻有寶相花和纏枝紋,代表花開富貴連綿之意。“汪”與“旺”同音,取興旺之意,汪汪汪汪,福旺滾滾。 |