Design Concept: The artwork inspired by the Chinese Year of the Dog zodiac, draws its original design from the intricate art of paper-cut floral patterns. The craftsmanship involved in creating this piece reflects a harmonious fusion of fur and flowers, resulting in an exquisite artwork adorned with intricate details and vibrant colors. While maintaining its visually rich aesthetic, the overall impression left by this piece is one of companionship and unity. The subjects depicted in "Mighty Fortune" convey a sense of compassion and tenderness, elevating the concept of wealth beyond mere ornamentation. This crystal glass artwork beautifully expresses both material abundance and the significance of kindness, emphasizing that true fortune is incomplete without partnership and companionship. The auspicious symbol found on the artwork represents gratitude, unwavering love, and honesty, further enhancing its symbolic meaning. 設計概念說明: 這件藝術品的靈感來自於中國的狗年生肖,它的原始設計來自於復雜的剪紙花卉圖案的藝術。創作這件作品的工藝反映了毛皮和花朵的和諧融合,形成了一件精緻的藝術品,裝飾著複雜的細節和鮮豔的色彩。在保持其視覺上的豐富美感的同時,這幅作品給人留下的總體印像是一種陪伴和團結。錦繡威旺中所描繪的對像傳達了一種同情和溫柔的感覺,使財富的概念超越了單純的裝飾品。這件水晶琉璃藝術品漂亮地表達了物質的豐富和仁慈的意義,強調了沒有夥伴關係和陪伴的真正財富是不完整的。作品上的吉祥符號代表著感恩、堅定的愛和誠實,進一步增強了其像徵意義。 |