Design Concept: The "Recital of Peace" collectible crystal glass prayer wheel is based on a famous mantra in the Buddhist world, the Six-Character Great Bright Mantra, making it a logical choice for meditation décor. This mantra is inscribed on the prayer wheel and consists only of the sacred six syllables: om manipadme hum. When chanted verbally, the mantra's sounds promote qualities such as mindfulness, benevolence, and tranquility. The 88 Buddhas Great Repentance Sutra, which encourages purity of mind and body, is etched into the glass frame of this piece of home Zen décor. Each turn of the wheel is both an ending and a beginning, representing a cycle that repeats forever. 設計概念說明: 轉經輪 - 念念平安珍藏版水晶玻璃祈禱輪是根據佛教世界中著名的咒語--六字大明咒,使其成為冥想裝飾的合理選擇。這個咒語被刻在祈禱輪上,只由神聖的六個音節組成:om manipadme hum。口頭念誦時,咒語的聲音能促進心性、仁慈和寧靜等品質。鼓勵身心清淨的《八十八佛大懺悔經》被刻在這幅家庭禪宗裝飾品的玻璃框架上。輪子的每一次轉動既是一個結束,也是一個開始,代表著一個永遠重複的循環。 |