Design Concept: Inspired by the blue whale and the Chinese philosopher Zhuangzi's Xiaoyaoyou (The Free and Easy Wandering), this creation represents a guide that leads thoughts toward the Secret Garden of Wonders. The whale’s spray transforms into clusters of spring jasmine and autumn peonies, while playful baby whales leap within the water blossoms, weaving a whimsical, fairy-tale garden world. This enchanting design captures the essence of freedom, imagination, and the journey toward boundless dreams. 設計概念說明: 噴出「水花」,劃過氣流,泡泡在前方指引!關於所有美好的事情,都將開啟,來自琉璃秘境的快樂使者,帶你一起出發!無論你身在何處,無論什麼季節,迎春花的生命姿態永遠昂揚,不在山坡,不囿於溪穀,秋牡丹的花瓣總是向你展開擁抱,鯨歌響起時,駛往琉璃秘境的鯨魚船就要啟程了。旅行無需費心準備,只需拋開煩惱,暢快肆意,任何一朵花開怒放, 都是「快樂使者」對你的祝福!琉璃材質,通透晶瑩間湧動著活力的氣泡,精細雕刻工藝,花瓣、花心、枝葉象徵著秘境中所有滿懷祝福的花朵,鯨魚與水花的完美交融,將帶領你探索更有趣的琉璃秘境空間! |