Design Concept: Derived from the traditional auspicious image of two guardian lions (foo dogs) playing with a ball, symbolizing good luck and everlasting vitality. One lifts its paw upwards, while the other humbly yields. A pair of traditional Chinese lions dance gracefully, creating the most beautiful and harmonious scene in the world. The liuli lions have joyful expressions, playing and frolicking with each other, dancing in the clouds. This auspicious image expresses the harmony and unity of "being together, creating and protecting together, and full of vitality" in a harmonious human environment, making it suitable for gift-giving in business cooperation occasions. 設計概念說明: 源自于傳統吉祥圖形雙獅戲球,寓意吉祥如意,生生不息。一個向上托起,一個恭謙相讓中國傳統造型的一對歡喜獅,起舞翩翩,呈現了人間最美的和美佳境。琉璃雙獅表情歡喜,互動嬉戲,姿態在雲端起舞。和諧的人間情境下表達“團圓成雙,共創共守、生機滿滿”的祥瑞畫面, 適用於商業合作的贈禮場合。 |